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 Заголовок сообщения: Crufts 2017, условия участия
 Сообщение Добавлено: 07 мар 2017 15:29 
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Зарегистрирован: 02 ноя 2011 21:44
Сообщений: 5347
Откуда: г. Ростов-на-Дону
Выставка Крафта (Crufts Dog Show)

Англичане говорят, что Выставка Крафта - это нечто большее, чем выставка собак. Выставка Крафта - это нечто вроде национального праздника, который с нетерпением ждет вся страна. Статус государственности ему придает и тот факт, что это красочное шоу обязательно посещает член королевской семьи, а телекомпания Би-би-си минимум два часа в прямом эфире транслирует репортаж с Выставки Крафта.

Выставка Крафта "Crufts Dog Show" - самое известное и самое престижное кинологическое мероприятие в мире. Проходит ежегодно весной в Великобритании в Бирмингеме и длится только четыре дня вне зависимости от количества собак.

Чтобы принять в ней участие, собака должна быть квалифицирована на Выставку Крафта, что означает наличие нескольких побед, наличие сертификатов, дающих право на участие в выставке.

Название выставка получила по имени своего основателя Чарльза Крафта. В 1876 году молодой и амбициозный Чарльз Альфред Крафт отказывается заняться семейным ювелирным бизнесом, а вместо этого устраивается работать курьером в новое рискованное предприятие по продаже "собачьих галет".

Чарльз Крафт был амбициозным молодым человеком и быстро продвигался по службе. Работа коммивояжера дала Чарльзу возможность познакомиться с людьми разных сословий, членами различных организаций, в том числе и спортивных клубов. Карьера привела его в Европу, где французские заводчики собак, увидев в Крафте талант предпринимателя, пригласили его организовать кинологическую секцию Парижской выставки. Вернувшись в Англию в 1886 году, Крафт руководит Эллайд Терьер Клуб Шоу в "Ройял Аквариуме" в Вестминстере и решает проводить собственные выставки собак.

Крафт понял, что при должной организации выставки собак будут способствовать улучшению качества производителей, а также побуждать людей заводить более чистопородных собак. Он также видел, что организация на выставках зачастую оставляет желать лучшего и ее необходимо поднять на более высокий уровень. Этот ранний опыт, полученный на континентальных выставках, в дальнейшем очень помог Крафту, когда он стал организовывать собственные выставки иностранных пород и приглашать иностранных судей.

Первая выставка с названием "Выставка Крафта" была заказана в Королевском сельскохозяйственном зале Ислингтон в 1891 году. Это была первая из длинной серии выставок в этом месте. В то время выставки могли проводиться отдельными людьми для собственной выгоды, что особенно импонировало Крафту, так как он проводил свои выставки со значительной выгодой для себя. Сейчас не существует частных выставок, а разрешение на их проведение предоставляется Кеннел клубом, который лицензирует только некоммерческие организации. В 1938 году Чарльз Крафт умер, и его вдова провела выставку 1939 года. Три года спустя мисс Крафт, чувствуя ответственность в сохранении выставки и ее названия, которая сделала имя ее мужа известным всему миру, попросила Кеннел клуб проводить эту выставку, и продала права на ее проведение. Однако первая Выставка Крафта под покровительством Кеннел клуба прошла лишь после войны в 1948 году. Проведенная в Олимпии, она завоевала немедленный успех как у зрителей, так и у участников. С тех пор Выставка Крафта с каждым годом собирает все большее количество участников и зрителей.

На Выставку Крафта можно было записать любую чистокровную собаку. Благодаря этому новички состязались наравне с заслуженными и известными собаками, и самые смелые мечты становились реальностью. Так, в 1957 году на Выставке Крафта прибыла никому не известная девушка с такой же никому не известной немецкой овчаркой, до этого она участвовала лишь в небольших локальных выставках. На счастье, породу судил весьма опытный эксперт, который не просмотрел новенькую среди внушительного числа соперниц. Молодая собака в первый же день получила титул "Лучшая сука", а на следующий день стала "Лучшей собакой выставки".

В целом увеличение массовости выставки неминуемо снижает общее впечатление от качества собак. Ветеринарное обследование на выставке позволило провести неофициальный учет, согласно которому оказалось что почти 10%участников страдали крипторхизмом. Это обстоятельство, а также чудовищная перегруженность помещения заставили комитет кеннел-клуба задуматься о введении ограничений на право участия в Выставке Крафта . Время чудесных историй подходило к концу.
В 1974 году изменилось оформление выставки желтый и красный, выбранные Чарльзом Крафтом, сменились спокойными оттенками зеленого, а название шоу получило сегодняшнее написание (без апострофа).

Кроме внушительных кубков победители на Выставки Крафта получают небольшое денежное вознаграждение. Победитель BIS - £ 100, резерв BIS - £ 50, победитель группы - £ 50, резервный победитель группы - £ 25, лучший в породе - £ 25, лучшая собака противоположного пола - £ 10. То есть в самом триумфальном случае, собака, выигравшая Крафт получит £ 175.

Заводчик, чья собака побеждает на выставке, становится на время почти национальным героем: он привлекает огромное внимание прессы, следуют многочисленные выгодные предложения. Сколько бы собак ни записалось на выставку (в среднем их бывает до 20 тысяч), выставка длится четыре дня. Несмотря на дороговизну билетов на финал "Best-in-Show", купить их сложно. Выставку посещают до 100 тысяч человек, причем два последних дня, посвященных национальным программам, вызывают наибольший поток посетителей.

Правила для участников выставки Крафта

- Каждый участник выставки несет ответственность за свои действия и должен сам следить за расписанием выставки.

- Запрещено использовать любые вещества, меняющие естественный цвет, текстуру, тип шерсти, причем это запрещено на протяжении всего нахождения собаки на выставке, независимо от цели использования.

- У собаки не должно быть никаких операций, меняющих ее естественное сложение или влияющих на ее части тела, за исключением

а. операций, сертифицированных разрешением генерального комитета Кеннел-клуба;

б. удаления прибылых пальцев;

в. купирования хвоста у тех пород, у которых он традиционно купирован, в соответствующем возрасте;

г. операций по стерилизации с уведомлением Кеннел-клуба, прежде чем стерилизованная собака примет участие в выставке.

- В Великобритании категорически запрещено оставлять собаку в автомобиле, также меры могут быть приняты в том случае, если, по мнению представителей закона или общественности, собака будет находиться в плохих условиях (наш комментарий: к сожалению, на сей счет не существует каких-либо определенных директив, и, видимо, нужно руководствоваться обычным здравым смыслом и разумом всякого владельца, любящего свою собаку: не оставлять ее без воды на солнцепеке, не держать ее часами в тесной клетке, не привязывать ее на удавке и т.д. В любом случае, на английский выставок для собак предусмотрены специальные бенчи с возможностью оставить собаку одну, поставить ей воду и спокойно гулять по выставке. Именно ими следует воспользоваться участнику, дабы точно не нарушить никаких правил и уложений).

- На выставке собака должна находиться исключительно в бенче, за исключением времени, когда

а. собака непосредственно выставляется

б. когда собака делает моцион (разминается) или ее готовят к рингу;

в. собака может быть выведена из бенча по распоряжению ветеринара или устроителей выставки;

- Подготовка к рингу осуществляется в специально отведенных для этого местах или в бенчах.

- Собака на выставке находится на поводке на протяжении всей выставки (также в зонах для разминки), за исключением ринга "обидиенс класс" или "аджилити тест", а также участников показательных выступлений.

- Около ринга запрещено размещать клетки, тележки, столы для груминга.

- Запрещено перегораживать проходы или иным образом препятствовать свободному перемещению в них.

- Собакам запрещено находиться в рингах кроме как во время участия в экспертизе.

- По ходу судейства не делается никаких объявлений. Категорически запрещено в ринге использовать любые средства и способы, позволяющие идентифицировать владельца, питомник или спонсоров. Во время судейства хендлеру запрещено устно сообщать судье информацию такого рода. Единственным идентификационным знаком, разрешенным на выставке, является номер участника.

- Запрещено привлекать внимание собаки, находясь вне ринга (двойной хендлинг).

- Выставочные классы и требования к ним указаны в расписаниях выставок и соблюдение этих требований является ответственностью владельца. Чемпионы стран, с которыми у Кеннел-клуба есть соглашение о взаимном признании, могут записываться в следующие классы:

открытый класс

AV класс чемпионов

возрастные классы (щенки, юниоры, ветераны)

Титул "Юный чемпион" не признается Британским Кеннел-клубом, поэтом при записи просьба не указывать "Ch" перед кличкой собаки.

CACIB и САС приравниваются к СС по системе КК (аналогично тому, как Кеннел-клуб не делает разницы между количеством звездочек при наборе титула по американской системе, приравнивая три и пять звездочек к СС по своей системе).

Квалификация собаки на Крафт

Для того, чтобы принять участие в выставках собак в Великобритании (в том числе на Крафт), ваша собака должна быть зарегистрирована в Кеннел-клубе ранее или получить "Authority to Compete (ATC)" (право на участие) – номер от Кеннел-клуб. Для этого необходимо скачать соответствующую форму с сайта http://www.crufts.org.uk, заполнить ее и отослать в Кеннел-клуб.


В мероприятиях Кеннел-клуба не могут участвовать собаки с купированными ушами.

1. Собаки моложе восьми календарных месяцев на момент проведения шоу не могут принимать участие в выставке до тех пор, пока не получили квалификацию на участие в племенной книге Кеннел-клуба. Соответственно это касается собак класса щенки и класса юниоры.

2. Требования к возрасту и квалификации участника для записи на Крафт.

а. Для участия в сертификатных классах

1) собака является чемпионом по красоте, по полевым испытаниям, по испытаниям рабочих качеств, чемпионом по послушанию аджилити в системе Кеннел-Клуб Великобритании.

2) данные собаки внесены в племенную книгу Кеннел-клуба до окончания записи

3) собака внесена в племенную книгу Кеннел-клуба или прошла квалификацию для внесения в племенную книгу по результатам рабочих испытаний в системе КК до окончания записи

4) собаки-призеры (по системе сертификатных выставок Кеннел-Клуба) на выставках уровня "Чемпионат" (включая Крафт) за год до окончания записи на шоу:

-1, 2, 3 места во всех классах выставок Кеннел-Клуба;

- выиграли любой породный класс предыдущей выставки Крафт;

- набрали больше пяти пунктов "Грин стар" по системе Ирландского Кеннел-клуба;

- бигли, получившие первый приз на специализированных выставках гончих;

- по результатам открытых выставок "Премьер" собаки, получившие ВОВ;

- победители BIS, RBIS на открытых выставках по группам;

б. Для участия в несертификатных классах на Крафт и для собак следующих пород: бассет-бретон, глен-оф-иммал-терьер, португальская водная собака

1) лучший кобель, лучшая сука или резерв лучший кобель, лучшая сука на выставках уровня "Чемпионат" по системе КК, включая Крафт.

2) получивших первое место в любом классе на предыдущей выставке Крафт

3) собаки, получившие свыше пяти пунктов "Грин стар" в Ирландии

4) собаки, получившие ВОВ на открытых выставках "Премьер"

5) собаки, получившие BIS, RBIS или бест щенков или лучший щенок выставки на открытых выставках по группам.

в. В специальные рабочие классы (их пять: полевые испытания, специальный рабочий для подружейных, рабочий, обидиенс, аджилити) записываются собаки, получившие сертификаты и титулы соответствующих испытаний Британского Кеннел-Клуба.

г. Прочие квалификации (этот раздел наиболее полезен для иностранных участников)

1) чемпионы стран, с которыми Кеннел-клуб имеет соглашение о квалификации участников;

2) обладатели титула "Интерчемпион" по системе FCI;

3) обладатели титулов "Лучший юниор кобель" и "Лучший юниор сука" плюс ЛК и ЛС на квалификационных выставках в европейских странах;

4) победили классов юниоров и обладатели сертификата CACIB на чемпионатах мира и Европы.

При отправке Authority to Compete необходимо приложить копию трехколенной родословной собаки, заверенной Кеннел-клубом (для РКФ – экспортная родословная). Важно! данные о владельце собаки в родословной и АТС должны совпадать, т.к. приглашение высылается индивидуально, будьте внимательны при заполнении АТС, особенно в части личных данных и собственного адреса.

Crufts 2017 будет проходить с 9-12 марта 2017.

Thursday 9th March 2017
Terrier & Hound

Friday 10th March 2017
Toy & Utility
Saturday 11th March 2017
Sunday 12th March 2017
Working & Pastoral



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 Сообщение Добавлено: 10 мар 2017 00:14 
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Crufts 2017
 Сообщение Добавлено: 10 мар 2017 00:17 
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Зарегистрирован: 02 ноя 2011 21:44
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Откуда: г. Ростов-на-Дону



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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Crufts 2017
 Сообщение Добавлено: 08 авг 2017 13:35 
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Сообщений: 5347
Откуда: г. Ростов-на-Дону
описание бассетов на Крафтс дает эксперт -породник Phil Freer
Basset Hound critiques Crufts 2017 (judge: Phil Freer), for all foreigners that don't get the English dog papers:

Feel very privileged and honoured to have judged the breed that I love and have devoted 38 years of my life to at this prestigious show. It gave me a most memorable day. The Basset Hound has gone through a difficult time these past few years being on the category three list of the high profile breeds up until this year. The breeders have been working hard for the betterment of our breed and the results were clear to see. I found no dermatitis in the skin folds, less exaggeration in loose skin and more ground clearance. The breeders should be proud. The conformation of the eyes have generally improved, but I feel we still need to educate breeders and exhibitors more in this area for the long term health and well being of the breed. Points of concern: I found upright shoulders and steep hindquarters creeping into our breed with too much length from foot to hock. A lack of fore chest was apparent in some cases, this is an important part for the Basset to function in the field. I found hounds with a lack of length in upper arm, again such an important part for the function in the field. Finally the breed standard asks for hindquarters full of muscle and standing out well, giving an almost spherical effect when viewed from the rear (apple bottomed). I found some hounds lacking in this department with narrow hindquarters. Thank you to all the exhibitors for your entry and the sporting way you all accepted my placing. I was very pleased with my principle winners.
VD (5) 1 Ellrich's Ch Malrich Sir Ruff Diamond. Masculine r/w with good outline and balance. Well proportioned head with good depth of lip. Prominent breastbone, strong neck of correct length and clean well placed shoulders. Well ribbed back, level top line and well set tail. Ample bone and tight feet. Covered the ground well in side gait holding his topline. A little untidy in front movement coming towards. 2 Lakatos' Int Ch Bassbarr Hard Rock EUJW (ATC AP00191HUN). Tri with masculine head and dark eye. Pushed hard for top spot. He has enough breastbone, long strong neck, level topline and is well ribbed back. He is a little too deep in body for me. Moved well in side gait covering the ground with an easy stride and parallel on the up and down. 3 McEvedy, Storton & Me's Ch Dearduenna Stroganoff At Dereheath. Another pleasing tri of correct size and balance. He has a good outline and has no exaggerations. Pleasing head piece. Well off for bone and tight, well knuckled feet. Enough pro-sternum and a well sprung rib cage reaching well back. Level top line, well set tail and well letdown hind quarters. Another worthy Ch.
PD (4, 1) 1 Allchorne's Nelgus Thyme Bomb. Masculine tri that scores in head, is well balanced and has dark eyes giving a calm expression. Good depth to muzzle. He is of correct size and has a balanced outline with enough sternum. Well off for bone, well ribbed back, level topline and has good ground clearance. Tail is well set on. He moved soundly but needs to tighten in his feet. Showed and handled well. 2 Feetham's Kimbleholme Magic Man. L/w that has a pleasing outline and is well balanced. He is a little light in eye and a little broad in back skull. He has a good depth of muzzle, enough sternum and is well boned. He has a level topline, well set tail and correct ground clearance. He needs to develop his hind quarters when moving. 3 Jones' Dapper Duncan V Grunsven Bij Clanwillow (Imp Ned). R/w, loved this dogs type, outline and balance. Difficult to access on the move today and needs time to develop. Pleasing head with low set leathers of correct velvety texture with inward curl. He has enough bone. Smooth well sprung rib cage reaching well back and level topline.
JD (9) 1 Dudas' Boris Becker V Grunsven (ATC AT02807NLD). R/w who takes your attention immediately. He has a very clean outline and is well balanced. Very free moving and covers much ground on the go round with forward reach and drive from his hind quarters. Sound and parallel on the out and back. Pleasing head with good depth of muzzle, long strong neck flowing into clean well laid back shoulders. Well boned forelegs and tight feet. Prominent sternum, smooth ribbing that is well sprung and reaching well back. Excellent top line on the stack which he held on the move. Showed and handled well. I would have liked him to have had a little more hind angulation. Pushed hard in the challenge. 2 Blevins' Blevwils Playing The Field Jun Ch. Tri of correct size and balanced outline. Not exaggerated in any way. Pleasing head and eye, enough neck, prominent sternum. Ample bone, smooth well sprung rib cage reaching well back. Level top line and well set on tail. Pushed hard for top spot just preferred cleaner front of my winner. Moved freely and showed well. 3 Melbourne & Isted's Knockogue Blackadder With Diheath. Tri just 12 months. Finer mould than my winners at this stage of his career and needs time to develop. He has a very pleasing outline and is balanced with no exaggerations in any way. Just enough bone, prominent sternum, smooth well sprung ribs reaching well back. Holds a good topline on the stack and moving. Tail well set on. Correct ground clearance and moved soundly.
YD (7, 2) 1 Robinson's Bushoby The Architect. Masculine r/w with well proportioned balanced head piece with correct depth of muzzle. Dark eye, strong neck and well laid back shoulders. He has a prominent sternum is well off for bone and has tight well knuckled feet. He has a smooth well sprung rib cage, reaching well back with a short well muscled loin and good width to his hindquarters. Moving he has a free and easy side gait and covers the ground with ease. I wouldn't want any more of him. 2 Pearson's Armardio Angel Of Harlem By Malrich. R/w who is a finer mould than my winner. He produces a good outline and has good balance. Prominent sternum and is well ribbed. Holds a level topline. Moved and showed well. Just a little too dry for me in furnishings on his hindquarters. 3 McCord's Kelansue Rubeus Bomber. Another r/w of correct size and has good balance. Leathers set just below the line of the eye, they are supple and fine with correct inward curl. Prominent sternum, enough bone, ribs well rounded with good spring. Well let down hindquarters. Sound mover but just didn't put it all in today.
PGD (10, 1) 1 Deotti's Oster (ATC AU00518ITA). 6 yr old Tri who really put it altogether today. He has a really good outline and is well balanced. Pleasing head proportions carried on a long strong neck flowing into clean well laid back shoulders. Correct equal length of upper arm. Prominent breastbone, ample bone and tight, well knuckled feet. Smooth, well sprung rib cage reaching well back, level back and good underline with ground clearance. Well muscled hind quarters. Scores in movement, sound and parallel on the out and back, with good forward reach on the go round and used his hindquarters to advantage. Shown and handled professionally. 2 Parkes' Bessalin Brandy Snaps. Pleasing r/w who you need to go over to appreciate his qualities. He has good balance and outline. Is not overdone in any department. He has enough sternum, good bone and tight feet, a smooth well sprung rib cage, firm top line and well set tail. To be critical I felt he was a little broad in back skull. On the move he was sound and parallel but could put a little more in on the go round. 3 Robinson's Bushoby The Architect.
LD (6) 1 Williams' Bromp Dennis The Menace. Masculine r/w with well proportioned headpiece, clean, dark eyes giving that calm expression. Low, well set leathers. Long strong neck leading into the cleanest of fronts. With correct length to upper arm. Well boned forelegs and tight, well knuckled feet. Breastbone prominent but not too deep. Ribs smooth well rounded and well sprung extending well back. Firm top line and correct under line giving good ground clearance. Excels in front movement when coming towards you, he was foot perfect. On the go round he just lost his tail on occasions. He should have a bright future. 2 Price's Wellsbayview Oracle. Quality r/w very close up to first. With very similar attributes. My winner just out scored him with his clean front movement. 3 King, Ledward & Servais' New Bellecombe Ursa Major (Imp Che). Another quality r/w with masculine well balanced head piece. Strong, long neck and clean, well laid shoulders. Prominent breastbone, correct ribbing, level back and good underline. He needs to develop his hindquarters. Moved soundly and showed well. A very nice class.
OD (10, 2) 1 Smits' Ure My Model V Grunsven (ATC AR00992NLD). R/w, quality dog who is full of breed type. He is well balanced and has a good outline. Very free moving with easy side gait and sound parallel movement on the up and down. He just got better as the day went on. Masculine well balanced head with good depth to muzzle. Low, well set leathers, fine textured with in ward curl and reaching just beyond the end of his muzzle. Muscular, strong well arched neck flowing into clean well laid shoulders. Forelegs powerful with great bone. Tight well knuckled feet. Prominent breastbone. Ribs well sprung, smooth and reaching well back. Firm topline and correct underline giving ground clearance. Well muscled hindquarters with that so desired apple bottom and just enough wrinkle between hock and foot and that little pouch of skin I like to see helping to protect the joint. Supple and elastic healthy skin. CC & BOB I was pleased to watch his performance in the group ring and proud to see what I felt was a true representative of my breed. 2 Seddon's Ch Sedonia's Royal Intruder. Tri male that is well known to most here in the UK. A well deserving champion who has so many attributes. He never lets his handler down and always puts on a faultless performance. He is well balanced with good outline, strong neck and clean well laid shoulders. Prominent breastbone, tight feet, correct ribbing, firm topline and correct underline. Well muscled hindquarters. Just lost out on type for me today pleased to award him a well deserved Res CC. 3 Cudlip's Barembak Shepards Delight At Harvidene. Pleasing r/w with very good outline and balance. Excels in front construction. Long strong neck, clean well placed shoulders and correct length of upper arm. Firm topline and correct underline giving ground clearance. Ample bone and tight feet. He could have a tighter eye and I would like to see him use his hind quarters to better advantage on the go round.
GCD (1) 1 Grimshaw's Feorlig Bolt From THe BLue ShCM. R/w male that stood fourth in the veteran class. He has a masculine head piece that is well proportioned. Long neck and well placed shoulders. Prominent sternum, enough bone and correct ribbing. Still holds a firm topline and has ground clearance. Moved soundly on the up and down. Showed and handled well.

VB (5, 1) 1 Hirst's Dereheath Delilah At Kejana ShCM. 10 yr old tri. Very feminine well proportioned head, on a long strong neck leading into a clean well placed shoulder. She has ample bone and tight, well knuckled feet. This girl really comes into her own on the move. She was a pleasure to watch, covering the ground with free easy movement. A credit to her owner and the breed. 2 Jones' Harropine Devil Wears Prada Via Fidanza. 8 yr old tri who is very well put together in construction. She has a pleasing head and dark eye. Excellent pro sternum and holds a good top line when standing and moving. She has a well sprung rib cage that reaches well back. Has enough bone and tight well knuckled feet. Not quite the movement of my winner today. 3 Vesterlund's Swed Ch Affections Back To Reality (ATC AT002285SWE). R/w, 8 yr old. Feminine head that is well balanced and has good head plains. She has a clean dark eye. Her leathers are set just below the line of her eye and of fine texture. Well constructed with neat front assembly. Enough breastbone, correct ribbing, firm top line and sound on the move.
PB (6, 1) 1 Feetham's Kimbleholme Dream Maker. Tri that holds a good outline on the move and is well balanced. I would not want any more of her. She has a feminine, well proportioned head, with good depth of muzzle and clean eyes. Leathers set just below the line of the eye. She has a correct layback of shoulder and equal length of upper arm. Forelegs well boned and having just enough wrinkle. Tight, well knuckled feet. Good depth to body with prominent breast bone. Ribs smooth and well rounded reaching well back. Her hindquarters were well muscled for her age with good width when viewed from the rear. Sound parallel mover on the out and back. In side gait she had a free and easy movement with good forward reach. Pleased to award her BP. 2 Daelman's Sedonia's Evolution With Bazettdael. Very feminine tri with a pleasing head that is well balanced. She has a clean dark eye giving her that soft expression. Fine supple leathers of correct texture with the desired inward curl and set just below the line of her eye. She was not as mature as my winner, also the handler needs to work on producing a better outline of her on the stack. When moving is when she came together showing her correct balance and pleasing outline. She has ample bone, tight feet, smooth, well sprung rib cage that extended well back. A sound mover that just needs to mature. 3 Allchorne's Nelgus Cinnamon Spice. Another pleasing tri. Lovely to go over with everything in the right place. Correct head proportions, dark, clean eye, long, strong neck and clean well laid back shoulders. Correct ribbing and well set on tail. Moved soundly just needs some work to tighten her feet. Showed and handled well.
JB (8) 1 Green's Braithwell's Dancing Queen. R/w with a well balanced head, dark, clean eye giving her a soft calm expression. Good depth to muzzle. Ears set low of fine velvety texture with desired inward curl and reaching just beyond the end of her muzzle. She scores in her construction. Her shoulders are clean and well laid back and she has a good length of upper arm. Correct length of neck, desired prominent breast bone and forechest fits neatly into her crook. She has enough bone and tight, well knuckled feet. Excellent ribbing which is smooth, well sprung and reaching well back. Firm top line and good underline showing ground clearance. Short, well muscled loin. Hindquarters full and spherical when viewed from the rear. When moving this girl really comes into her own and shows just how well put together she really is. Sound and parallel on the out and back with the best of side gaits on the go round with good forward reach and using her hind quarters to her best advantage. Pleased to award her RCC. 2 Smits' Cowmarked Carmen V Grunsven (ATC AU00389NLD). R/w who gave her handler a rather difficult time today. Once she settled she produces a nice outline and is well balanced. Excellent neck and clean shoulders. Firm topline and good underline. Pleasing headpiece with low well set leathers, has enough pro-sternum and ample bone. Her feet could be tighter. Smooth well sprung ribbing extending well back. Hindquarters well let down, shown in good condition. Just couldn't get past the soundness and movement of my winner today. 3 Silhanova's Alma Caltha. B/b. Top size for me but a very sound young lady. She has a well muscled neck of correct length leading into well laid shoulders, well boned strong forelegs with desired wrinkle on lower legs. Enough breastbone, correct ribbing, firm topline. Tail well set and sound on the move.
YB (11, 1) 1 Pop's Quantas-Napoca Samba (ATC AU00176ROM). A very pleasing r/w that has a very good outline and is well balanced. Very well presented. Feminine well proportioned headpiece with correct almost parallel head plains. Dark eyes and low well set leathers. Appreciated her front construction with well laid shoulder and correct length to her upper arm. She is well off for bone and has enough pro-sternum. Smooth, well sprung ribcage reaching well back. She holds an excellent top line both standing and moving. Just enough ground clearance. Short loin and well muscled hind quarters with good width. Sound mover both ways with a free and easy side gait. Pushed hard for a top spot in the challenge. 2 Thexton's Barrenger Harmony. Feminine r/w close up to my winner. I just preferred the maturity and hind quarters of 1 today. Very nice to go over with good reach of neck flowing into excellent front assemble. Strong bone and tight, well padded feet. Impressive ribbing smooth, rounded and with good spring extending well back. Level back and good underline giving ground clearance. A very honest bitch that you feel could do a day's work in the field. Very sound mover a foot perfect in front on the out and back. 3 Silhanova's Alma Caltha (ATC AT02511CZE).
PGB (12, 2) 1 Parkes' Bessalin Rasberry Ripple. R/w girl who is really pleasing to go over. Not flashy in anyway but very honest. Very sound on the move with an excellent front assembly. Everything is in the right place. Pleasing head with clean dark eye. Low, well set leathers. Correct length of neck, prominent breast bone. Her forelegs are strong with good bone, the tightest of feet and she stands so true. She has excellent ribbing, smooth well sprung and reaching well back. Short well muscled loin, tail well set, well muscled hindquarters with a nice apple bottom when viewed from the rear. She was shown in first class condition with excellent coat. She is not exaggerated in any way. Full appreciation of her comes on the move. Very correct on the out and back with sound parallel movement and foot perfect. On the go round you see her at her best holding a level topline and holds a nice outline and balance. Covers the ground with ease. CC. 2 Kovacs' Phantom Of Lake Jade JWW (ATC AT00323HUN). Tri who I thought would be my winner on my first observation of the class. Very sound free moving girl with a feminine headpiece, dark eye giving a soft calm expression. Well laid back shoulder with equal length to upper arm. Prominent sternum. Level back and good underline giving enough ground clearance. Produces a very nice picture when standing showing good outline and balance. Well angled hind quarters. Sound mover showed and handled skilfully. Not the ribcage of my winner. 3 Pearson's Armardio Almost An Angel JW. R/w, another pleasing bitch who has everything in the right place. Sound mover. Well placed front assembly. Well off for bone, tight, well knuckled feet. Prominent breast bone. Correct ribbing, level back and good underline. Produces a pleasing outline on the stack. Showed and handled well. Preferred the head and eye of second.
LB (6, 1) 1 Ledward's Drawdell's Marilyn Morrison. R/w that has bone and substance. Feminine well proportioned head on a long strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Prominent sternum. Forelegs strong, well boned and with right amount of wrinkle. Tight well knuckled feet. Correct ribbing, smooth, well sprung and reaching well back. She holds a firm top line and has correct underline with ground clearance. Well set tail. She is well balanced and produces a nice outline standing, showing no exaggeration. Moving she is sound on the out and back and has a free and easy side gait on the go round. 2 Seddon's Sniffbox Georgie Girl At Sedonia. This r/w girl pushed hard for top spot today. Very feminine with clean, dark eye giving that soft expression. She is very well balanced and produces an excellent outline when standing. She has just enough bone. Prominent breast bone, long, strong neck that flows into a well laid shoulder. Firm topline and correct underline giving ground clearance. Smooth round ribbing reaches well back. Sound and parallel on the out and back and covers the ground in side gait. I feel these two could well change places on another day. Shown in top condition. I just preferred the bone and that substance of my winner. 3 Woodworth's Woodrich Hera. Feminine girl. 3 Woodworth's Woodrich Hera. Feminine tri who has a pleasing well proportioned head, dark eye and soft expression. She has a good balance and pleasing outline. Scores in her front construction. She has enough bone, tight, well knuckled feet. Smooth, well sprung rib cage. Level back and good underline. Shown well and a sound mover.
OB (14, 4) I found this class one of my most difficult classes to judge. Some quality bitches on the day just didn't perform to their best. 1 Irvine's Ir Ch Blevwil Fire And Fury At Emmorah Jun Ir Ch JD CW16. Tri that has a feminine, well balanced head with dark eye and soft calm expression. Pleasing almost parallel head plains and good depth to muzzle. Strong neck of correct length flows into her well laid back shoulders. She has correct length of upper arm. Strong, well boned forelegs and tight, knuckled feet. Tight, well fitting elbows. Prominent breast bone, correct smooth, well sprung ribbing reaches well back. Firm topline moving. On the move she is sound and parallel on the out and back, has a good side gait with forward reach and drive from her hind quarters. She holds a very neat outline with correct topline on the go round. A very honest bitch with no frills. 2 Williams' Ch Braithwell Miss Marple Of Bromp. R/w bitch who I have given top honours to previously awarding her third CC. She is very much my type. Having excellent front construction and length of upper arm. So well balanced with superb outline when stood. She has a prominent sternum, good bone, long strong neck. Her ribbing is first class. Spot on top line. Correct underline giving ground clearance. Well let down hindquarters standing out with that correct apple bottom. Showed well but today I would have liked a cleaner eye and stronger pastern. 3 Smits' You Are My Honey V Grunsven (ATC AS02901NLD). Another r/w that was right up my street. She has good breed type lots to like about her, well constructed, has correct balance with good outline. Moved soundly out and back with easy flowing side gait. I would like a tidier eye but a quality bitch.
GCB (2) 1 Allchorne's Ch Dieheath Guns N' Roses JW. R/w with a feminine well proportioned head, dark eye, low well set leathers with velvet texture and inward curl. She has a good reach of neck. Scores in her front construction. Prominent breast bone. Well off for bone and excellent tight, well knuckled feet. Smooth, well rounded ribcage. Just a tad soft in top line today. She was sound and parallel on the out and back and has a smooth easy side gait. 2 Maxwell's Blevwils Naughty Nikki. Another r/w who has good outline and is well balanced. Pleasing head, dark eye and calm expression. Leathers low set just below the line of her eye with correct supple fine texture. Prominent sternum, has just enough bone. Well ribbed back and she holds a firm topline. Sound on the move. Just preferred that little more bone and substance of my winner. Shown and handled well.
Phil Freer


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1st: MR R A J & MRS H L M SMITS - URE MY MODEL V GRUNSVEN [ATC AR00992NLD] : R/W quality dog who is full of breed type .He is well balanced and has a good outline. Very free moving with easy side gait and sound parallel movement on the up and down. He just got better as the day went on. Masculine well balanced head with good depth to muzzle. Low, well set leathers, fine textured with inward curl and reaching just beyond the end of his muzzle. Muscular, strong well arched neck flowing into clean well laid shoulders. Forelegs powerful with great bone. Tight well knuckled feet. Prominent breastbone. Ribs well sprung, smooth and reaching well back. Firm top line and correct underline giving ground clearance. Well muscled hind quarters with that so desired apple bottom and just enough wrinkle between hock and foot and that little pouch of skin I like to see helping to protect the joint. Supple and elastic healthy skin. CC & BOB. I was pleased to watch his performance in the group ring and proud to see what I felt was a true representative of my breed.

описание юниора
Junior Dog 1st placement.


JD (9) 1 Dudas' Boris Becker V Grunsven (ATC AT02807NLD). R/w who takes your attention immediately. He has a very clean outline and is well balanced. Very free moving and covers much ground on the go round with forward reach and drive from his hind quarters. Sound and parallel on the out and back. Pleasing head with good depth of muzzle, long strong neck flowing into clean well laid back shoulders. Well boned forelegs and tight feet. Prominent sternum, smooth ribbing that is well sprung and reaching well back. Excellent top line on the stack which he held on the move. Showed and handled well. I would have liked him to have had a little more hind angulation. Pushed hard in the challenge.


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