Из стандарта. Все , что связано с поведенческими особенностями бассет хаунда.
Бассет способен гнать зверя, зайца, настойчиво преследуя его, преодолевая большие расстояния, двигаясь в относительно медленном темпе.
Общий вид.
Коротконогая гончая со значительной субстанцией (крепким костяком и мышечной массой), хорошо сбалансированная, полная достоинства. Важно иметь в виду, что это рабочая гончая и должна быть пригодна для выполнения своих функций, следовательно, должна быть сильной, активной и обладать большой выносливостью при работе в поле.
Поведение и темперамент.
Вязкая гончая древнего происхождения, охотящаяся нижним чутьем, обладающая стайными инстинктами и глубоким мелодичным голосом.
Спокойная, никогда не проявляющая агрессии и трусости. Вызывает умиление.
вот как породники со стажем из Америки описывают характер бассета
Basset Temperament:
FROM AKC: In temperament it is mild, never sharp or timid.
The Basset Hound is sweet, gentle, devoted, peaceful It fits into family life well. Its temperament should always be friendly, and never vicious, moody or harsh, and would only become so if the owners lead the dog to believe he is pack leader over humans. It is mild but NOT TIMID; very affectionate with its master and friendly with children. It can be a bit stubborn with meek owners and needs a firm, confident, and consistent owner who displays natural authority over the dog. Dogs need to know the rules of the house and have the humans stick to them. Bassets like to do tricks for food. They have a deep musical bark. Housebreaking is difficult, but they do well with patient, gentle training. With proper training, they are obedient, but when they pick up an interesting smell, it's sometimes hard to get their attention, as they like to follow their noses and may not even hear you calling them back. Only allow your Basset off lead in safe areas.
Some are dignified, but most are clownish. Almost all are reliably good-natured, sociable, and peaceful with everyone -- strangers, children, and other pets, too. At a dog show, one can count on seeing cheerfully wagging tails in the Basset Hound ring.
Bassets are not eager to obey many commands. Stubborn and slow to obey (you should expect thoughtful, deliberate responses), the Basset Hound can exhibit an amusing sense of humor while doing his own thing. Yet he responds amiably to patient, consistent obedience training that includes praise and especially food rewards. Did I mention the food rewards? Basset Hounds live for food, are champion beggers, and will steal any tidbit within reach - and be forewarned that their reach includes counter tops when they stand up on their hind legs.
I CAN'T STRESS ENOUGH THAT THERE SHOULD BE NO TENDENCY TOWARDS SHYNESS, OR AGGRESSIVENESS TO ANY PERSON OR ANIMALS. They should not have any skittishness what so ever. Should be easily approachable and handled. Temperament is a genetic trait and should be considered a bad fault if seen in any Basset. All too often I am seeing Bassets that are hard to approach in the ring or in pet homes. Another reason why breeding and knowing pedigrees is so important.