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 Заголовок сообщения: Осторожно окситоцин
 Сообщение Добавлено: 29 июл 2015 01:41 
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Зарегистрирован: 02 ноя 2011 21:44
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Откуда: г. Ростов-на-Дону
Статья полезна для заводчиков, которые увлекаются окситоцином в процессе родов.
Высокие дозы окситоцина губительны для щенков, малые -помогают. Гомеопатия и кальций, бывает, не приносят желаемого, но безвредны. Главное правило-не торопиться и подождать, если все идет без осложнений.

Руди Смит прокомментировал статью
Oxytocin in whelping
Oxytocin is a tremendously useful tool, as long as you follow one simple rule: Is your bitch whelping? THEN DON’T USE OXYTOCIN.

Oxytocin is a drug that experienced a huge surge in popularity when breeders and vets found that it could give contractions to a bitch who had stopped contracting regularly. One or two mls (ccs) used to be given to each bitch, several times during a whelping. Then, maybe six or eight years ago, conventional wisdom changed to recommend tiny micro-doses of oxytocin because the large doses were overwhelming the oxytocin receptors in the smooth muscle. So one-tenth cc doses became common. And now, after breeders and vets realized that it was not as harmless as everyone had assumed, evidence does not bear out its use at all as long as there are still multiple puppies inside the bitch.

The very good reason that the best protocol now says not to use it at all is that the canine uterus is not SUPPOSED to contract in the hard and consistent way that oxytocin forces it to do. The uterus is supposed to handle multiple puppies, gently moving itself toward the vaginal opening. Imagine it like a pair of panty hose with a string inside it, tied to the toe. As you gently pull the string, the toe moves up toward the top of the hose and the entire length of the leg gathers up.

If you picture three or four puppies along the length of the leg of the hose, as the length gathers each puppy will be pushed out but the hose behind that puppy will stay soft and gathered. Then the next puppy will be moved up, and the next, and the next. The last puppy moves out as the toe of the hose comes up to the waistband.

Now imagine that instead of you pulling the string up from the toe to the waistband, the panty hose instead contracted along its entire length. Now instead of the puppies being in soft tissue they’re in shrink-wrap. That’s what oxytocin administration does; it contracts the entire uterus HARD.

In addition to not being very effective at moving puppies, these hard contractions cause the placentas of all the puppies to detach from the uterine wall. What should happen is that just the puppy closest to the vaginal vault detaches, so it only has to move a few inches to get out before its oxygen runs out. Puppies are actually tremendously flexible when it comes to oxygen needs and a puppy can be detached from its placenta for many minutes before it dies. There’s usually plenty of time to get through the cervix and out, even if the contractions are infrequent.

When you use oxytocin, the placentas of the further-back puppies detach too. They cannot make it to the outside fast enough and they die. A normal labor can actually go on for over 24 hours and the puppies will still be fine; puppies’ sacs can break and they’ll be fine; puppies can be half-way through the cervix and still be fine. What kills them is when the placenta detaches. The clock starts ticking and you’ve got to get them out within about twenty minutes or they will not be able to be revived.

A ton of vets are still using oxytocin; a ton of them are still using it at the old one-cc dose! You need to be the best advocate for your bitch and STOP THEM.

The only thing that’s safe to use when there are still puppies in the uterus is CALCIUM. Most cases of uterine inertia are caused by low calcium, not low oxytocin. Calcium allows the bitch’s body to keep contracting at the normal pace, at the normal strength, and won’t kill puppies. Oral-cal-plus or (at your vet’s office) IV calcium will start stalled labors if they’re meant to be started again. If you can’t get the whelping going again using calcium, go for the c-section. You’ll end up with live puppies and a healthy uterus.

Oxytocin is still a useful tool – if the LAST puppy needs a little boost (once the nose can be felt in the vagina) or once whelping is over. Once the puppies are out, the uterus needs to contract strongly to stop from bleeding. It’s also useful to get the last of the gunk out if the bitch has retained a placenta. So do use it if she’s bleeding more than she should be or if you’re concerned that she retained a placenta. Otherwise, leave it on the shelf where it belongs.

And yes, I’ve used it. Lots. And I’ve lost puppies. Far more than I should. And I’ve brought a bitch to be opened up for a c-section and found the puppies literally shrink-wrapped inside her. It’s only in the last year or two that the protocol has changed and I was as astonished (and quick to deny it) as anyone. But it switched for a very good reason and it will save a lot of puppies if we are willing to change our practices.

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